Welcome to my Astrophotography Portfolio. My name is Eric Hahl and I am based in Washougal, Washington, U.S.A.
My journey into Astrophotography started in September 2017. I had invited a friend over to the house to do some viewing as I was a visual "star gazer" only. He also brought his telescopes, one for visual and another to take some photos. He shared those photos with me the next day and I was hooked.
I had to start getting images of my own.
My first attempts were pretty abysmal but decent enough to keep my interest. I started to peruse some forums on the topic and quickly learned that there is a lot to learn! Seriously, tracking, periodic mount error, auto guiding, sequence software, processing software, etc. Whew! I better put my learning cap on.
I did just that. Donned the learning cap and fully indulged in the hobby/craft. Learning from other astrophotographers, internet forums, and anywhere I could garner the knowledge to make this possible.
I am, and will continue to learn and hone my skills in my pursuit of image perfection. I just have to remember that perfection is a misnomer, there is no such thing. So thanks for joining me. I hope you enjoy my efforts and continue to follow my evolution on this path.
You can also follow my progress on facebook 
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